Life Insurance

Critical illness Insurance pays out a lump sum cash benefits if you are diagnosed with a critical illness such as cancer, a heart attack, multiple sclerosis, or a stroke etc. No one likes to think about the possibility of suffering a serious critical illness but if it happens, then consequence would be divesting to the financial security of you and your family, how would they cope? Critical Illness insurance offers the best solution in such a situation. It pays a lump sum benefits following the diagnosis of any one of the covered illnesses.

Our Plan Guarantees Child Education irrespective of Bread earner’s Loss of income due to pre mature Natural or Accidental Death or Permanent Total Disability or Critical Illness. In today’s increasingly competitive world where higher education is seen as the key to success it is natural that we should want our children to make the most of their learning opportunities. Parents who wish to provide their children with higher education can achieve this goal by saving for college or technical school year in advance. By preparing for education expenses in this manner, parents can ensure that their children will have the resources needed for college when the time comes.We provide the guidance and assistance to help make your dream of giving your child the best education a reality.

Mortgage Insurance
Mortgage Insurance which pays out a lump sum to repay your outstanding mortgage in the event of death or fall terminally ill. This Mortgage protection insurance ensure that your family is not faced with repaying the mortgage if you were to die. It ensures a greater degree of financial freedom & flexibility to you.

As a company you insure your cars and your equipment against like fire and flood and include compensation for loss of profits asset replacement.
Do you insure your company’s cash flow against loss of key person such as Director/Partner/General Manager due to Death or Permanent Total Disability or Criticial illness?
The insurance falls into four categories-insurance to help your business recover during the extended period when your key personnel are unable to work or to train or recruit a replacement, insurance to protect profits, insurance to protect shareholders or partnership interests, and insurance for anyone involved in guaranteeing businesses loans or banking facilities

Our Plan Guarantees Regular Pension Income irrespective of Bread earner’s Loss of income due to pre-mature Natural or Accidental Death or Permanent Total Disability or Critical Illness. Retirement Planning is executing a financial plan to meet your personal financial goals, to provide regular premium for old age. Retirement planning should be a priority throughout your adult life in order to avoid financial difficulties and forming effective strategies early in life will insure a smooth transition.

Critical illness Insurance pays out a lump sum cash benefits if you are diagnosed with a critical illness such as cancer, a heart attack, multiple sclerosis, or a stroke etc. No one likes to think about the possibility of suffering a serious critical illness but if it happens, then consequence would be divesting to the financial security of you and your family, how would they cope? Critical Illness insurance offers the best solution in such a situation. It pays a lump sum benefits following the diagnosis of any one of the covered illnesses.

Personal Accident Insurance protects you from the financial consequences of accidental death, Permanent Partial Disability & Permanent Total Disability. It provides financial protection if you are prevented from working due to short term disability. In this fast moving and stressful world accidents occur, often unexpectedly causing death or disabilities that render an active person bed ridden. That’s why many organizations and individuals choose to purchase insurance coverage to help family members and loved ones deal with the associated financial instability.

Unexpected illness or accidents can occur to anyone at any time and when they do, you need to have the reassurance of knowing that you are well prepared for this eventuality and escalating costs of medical care. In- Patient Cover

Human life is unpredictable and thus a person need to plan about his future as there may be a loss of income to the household. An individual can protect himself or herself against such contingencies through life insurance. Though Human life can not be valued but it is always better to have protection against uncertainties in life & protection required can be reached through loss of future cash inflows.

Group insurance Plans
Group insurance Plans are insurance plans that cover a group of people, usually who are the members of societies, employees of a common employer, or professionals in a common group. These plans allow you to enjoy group benefits at really low costs.