Cedar Insurance Brokers L.L.C “CIBCO” is incorporated in Dubai under United Arab Emirates federal law.
CIBCO are clients focused, we strive to put our clients needs first. We ensure that any small or large claim is dealt with promptly, efficiently and professionally.
“No one likes having to make a claim but sadly incidents occurs whether it is a motor accident, damage, liability, or a loss of life providing a fast and efficient service should be insurer’s priority but sadly (in our opinion) many are failing to achieve a satisfactory standards. We(our team) CIBCO are here to overcome this issue by providing clients with guidance and support through out the process from start to finish & ensures to obtain the best outcome for our clients. So Most importantly we want you to feel comfortable about approaching us if you have any concerns about your claim or insurance query.
We are here to guide you with best possible solutions with out any obligations.
- Our Managing Director who has successful international experience in Insurance Industry for more then Three Decades out of which Two Decades in U.A.E.
- Our Directors , Managers and Consultants are highly experienced professionals.
- Cibco represents reputed companies locally as well as worldwide.
- Cibco provides Reliability ,Expertise and Quality.
- Provides specialized consultancy without any obligation.
- The Best Value for Money.
- Quality Service to clients.
- Periodical Review and up-date on each portfolio.